Demolish & Build 3 confirmed for PS5 & PS4

It’s everyone’s dream to sit in the driver’s cab of a wrecking ball and let your aggression run free. That will come with Demolish & Build 3 possible, which Demolish Games has now confirmed for PlayStation 5 and PS4.
In Demolish & Build 3 you take on the role of the boss of a demolition company that focuses on carrying out demolition and construction works around various buildings as well as managing and expanding the company. A large selection of tools and construction vehicles are available for different types of work – from the good old wrecking ball, excavators, big cranes and much more to level the “world” with the ground.
“It’s a fresh start for the series. In Demolish & Build 3 we offer players a new quality. The game is much better and much more detailed than the previous titles. To name a few, we have prepared a realistic abandonment system; work with heavy machinery that accurately reflects how it is operated in real life; all balanced between playability and realism,” said Paweł Dywelski, CEO, Demolish Games SA
In addition to the demolition work, the management of the company is also the focus. You have to buy equipment and vehicles, you hire employees and assign them tasks and take care of the expansion of the company headquarters. Executing orders allows the company to advance, thus gaining access to more complicated and challenging tasks.
On the fun side, you then offer a realistic demolition system again. According to the creators, each fragment is made of a specific material with its own parameter in terms of resistance to damage of a certain type. The individual objects are physically connected to each other and are thus subjected to realistic compressive forces. As a result, the structures also influence each other. In practice, the system is based on physics, which gives the demolition process a very realistic character.
The release of Demolish & Build 3 is targeted for 2023.