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Ex-partner surprises with statement about Leni – “No merit”

Heidi and her daughter Leni have a very close relationship – father Flavio is not very involved in family life. picture: instagram/leniklum

In the early 2000s Flavio Briatore and Heidi Klum a couple. When their daughter Leni saw the light of day in 2004, the model and the ex-Formula 1 team boss had already separated again. In the beginning, the businessman is said to have been on the phone regularly with his child, but over time Heidi’s interim husband (and now ex-husband) Seal took over the role of father and even adopted the now 18-year-old.

The relationship between the two families Klum and Briatore has not always been harmonious since then. in one interview with the Italian “Corriere della Serra” Flavio told in 2016 that he had not met Leni in person for a long time. “It’s hard to miss a baby you never see,” he said.

Flavio Briatore on Leni Klum: “I’m very proud of her”

That’s why the declaration of love that the Italian has now sent to Leni Klum is all the more surprising. With the Italian daily newspaper “La Repubblica” he spoke in detail about his daughter and also distributed one or the other compliment to ex-wife Heidi.

“I love Leni and I am very proud of her. Not only is she beautiful, she is also strong and independent”Briatore gushed, but admitted in the same breath:

“I have no credit for it and can only thank Heidi for how she raised her.”

The Briatores and Klums live as a blended family

In the meantime, the two families seem to be getting closer again. Flavio, his ex-wife Elisabetta Gregoraci, his son Falco, Leni, Heidi and their third husband Tom Kaulitz even had in common last year vacation made on the Italian island of Capri. “I am in contact with Heidi and Falco is happy to have a sister,” said the businessman in an interview.

The now 12-year-old son of the Italian should have been Leni for some time Instagram followed – even before Papa Flavio had officially told him about his half-sister. In the interview he said: “We told Falco a few years ago that he had an older sister. But he said to me: ‘Dad, I already knew that.’ Also because the kids google today and find out everything.”


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