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Robert Habeck: Cabinet decides to expand green electricity – FDP only with reservations

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Cabinet decides to expand green electricity – FDP only agrees with reservations

“A Matter of Ecological Urgency and Energy Security Policy”

“It is urgent,” says Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck. The new legislative packages would have been worked on with great intensity. “The protection of species should be given a large space”.

Wind and sun should supply more electricity in Germany. To this end, the cabinet has passed a legislative package. The FDP agreed only with reservations. You have to get away from “always formulating goals without defining how they can be achieved”.

Dhe federal government has launched a package of laws intended to significantly accelerate the expansion of green electricity from the sun and wind. The cabinet approved a corresponding proposal by Climate Protection Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) on Wednesday. By 2030, the share of green electricity in consumption should increase to 80 percent. That would almost double it.

The package creates the conditions for energy security and sovereignty in the Federal Republic, said Habeck on Wednesday afternoon. “At the same time, it lays the foundations for Germany to become climate-neutral.”

In view of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, which violates international law, the plans have “double urgency,” emphasized the minister. “On the one hand, the climate crisis is coming to a head. On the other hand, the invasion of Russia shows how important it is to phase out fossil fuels and to consistently push ahead with the expansion of renewables.”

However, the FDP agreed in the cabinet only with the proviso that further details would be clarified during the deliberations in the Bundestag. This was recorded in an accompanying letter, it was said in government circles.

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FDP parliamentary group leader Christian Dürr had previously told the German Press Agency that one had to get away from a climate policy that always only formulated goals without defining how these goals could be achieved. “In this package, it is still unclear how a climate-neutral electricity system is to be achieved by 2035. Here it would be much better to choose a more realistic goal and instead set the framework in such a way that the goal is actually achieved.”

FDP parliamentary group leader Köhler said: “A climate-neutral electricity system by 2035 is desirable, but practically impossible to achieve in Germany.”

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Habeck had already announced the plans in January as a so-called Easter package, which should come into force on July 1st. This will implement agreements from the coalition agreement between the SPD, the Greens and the FDP, which are intended to help achieve the climate goals. The war in Ukraine has made the expansion of renewable energies even more important due to the high dependence on gas, oil and coal imports from Russia. FDP leader Christian Lindner therefore calls them “freedom energies”. Habeck wants to present the plans in detail in the afternoon.

The package provides for changes to numerous laws and regulations. By 2030, at least 80 percent of German electricity consumption should come from renewable energies. By 2035 it should be almost 100 percent. For comparison: in 2021 the rate was only 42 percent. It is also planned to provide new areas for the expansion of photovoltaics and better remuneration for solar power.

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