
Square Enix announced Kingdom Hearts 4 at today’s Anniversary Event • JPGAMES.DE

Square Enix premiered at today’s Kingdom Hearts Anniversary Event Kingdom Hearts IV announced. This is what visitors to the event reported excitedly on social media. Shortly thereafter, Square Enix released the announcement trailer!

The video shows all trailers of today’s event. From minute 4:04 you can see the announcement trailer for Kingdom Hearts IV. We see Sora waking up on a couch and later having an exciting fight.

Kingdom Hearts 4 takes place in Quadratum. Quadratum is a modern urban world based on Shibuya with some variations and differences. The place already played a role in Kingdom Hearts III and was first mentioned in Melody of Memory.

The other character besides Sora might be Strelitzia. “Strelitzia is a Keyblade wielder that appears in Kingdom Hearts Union χ. She is a member of the Dandelions and was chosen by the Master of Masters to lead one of the Unions after the Keyblade War,” the Kingdom Hearts Wiki acknowledges to report.

Platform information is not yet available.

The trailer:


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Artwork: Square Enix

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